First visit

First visit

The first visit will last between 45 minutes and an hour. First, you will describe your pain – how and when it appeared, whether it has a daily cycle, what actions make it worse or lessen it, and whether it changes in nature over time. Your medical history will be noted because there may be links between the pain you are experiencing and medical conditions. Then the osteopathic examination will take place; you will be asked to do some targeted movements. This examination may also include basic medical tests.

Once the examination is finished, an initial osteopathic diagnosis will be made. It will be explained to you, in understandable terms, what your osteopath considers to be the source of your pain and how he/she suggests proceeding to relieve it. If you agree with the suggestions provided, and if osteopathic treatment is appropriate for you (further medical examinations might be requested by your osteopath), it treatment can then begin. Feel free to ask questions at any time during the consultation.

Our approach to healing is one of a partnership with you. The first step in this process is to make sure you understand what we think is happening, and then how we propose to remedy it, and limit the chances of recurrence. We will give you advice to speed up the healing process

Please bring along

The names and dosages of any medication (prescribed or OTC) that you are taking, as well as the names and dosages of any other type of remedy or supplements (homeopathic, vitamins, etc.) Any X-ray, MRI or CT scan reports.
You may be requested to remove your outer layer of clothing, so please wear underwear you feel comfortable in, or bring shorts and a tank top, if you prefer. If you wish, you can be accompanied during your consultation.
Reminder : in order to get the most accurate osteopathic diagnosis possible, some time must be spent collecting medical and general information during your first visit.

Is it painful?

You may already be in pain when you arrive for your appointment. Soft tissue manipulations are often the first osteopathic techniques used during a treatment, and it is possible that these manipulations (which resemble certain massage techniques) may initially seem intense, before becoming a source of relief. Manipulations and mobilisations of the spine or other joints of the body are intended to increase the range of movement which may be restricted. A number of osteopathic techniques can achieve that goal, the choice of which ones are appropriate will depend on your individual case history, and your wishes in terms of treatment style will be respected. Sometimes, during certain techniques, a small noise like the snapping of a fingers snap occurs. This comes from a ball of gas within the joint and it is painless – usually often the patient immediately feels better after such techniques.

The day after

During treatment, your osteopath, will have increased blood flow in certain areas, and that of lymphatic fluid to encourage the return to normal muscle tone, and to eliminate toxins from your body.
Following this process, from time to time (and this does not necessarily happen, nor after every appointment), you may feel a little sore over the next days, a bit as if you had done an intensive session of sport. If this happens, you should not worry, because this reaction is temporary in nature. It is also normal to feel tired after treatment, your body is adapting to the changes that have been made. If, however, you have any questions or concerns following your appointment, do not hesitate to call us at +33.(0)

Next sessions

The duration of subsequent treatments (if any) should not exceed thirty minutes. The number of consultations required will depend entirely on your individual diagnosis and, the plan of action established (and which will be used to try to prevent a recurrence of symptoms). Remember that your healing plan is unique and it is based on osteopathic treatment and actions (exercises, slight daily changes of behaviour) that we will identify together in order to keep you in good shape, and able to do what you want to do every day.