
You will find on this page all the legal information required to comply with French legislation.

Feel free to consult these legal notices as required to be familiar with the rules which govern the use of the site. This information permits you to understand the legal obligations of the company (Ms. Tracey Betts-Allen) and your legal obligations as a user (or customer).

The owner of the site makes every effort to respect the laws in force, and to secure and protect your personal data.

General information about the site and the company


Type of site: Showcase site

Company (site owner)

Company name: Tracey Betts-Allen
Legal form: Auto Entrepreneur

SIREN number: 499477677
Head office address: 49 RUE RICHER 75009 PARIS 
Email address:


Responsible for publication

Name of person (or company): Tracey Betts-Allen (natural person)
Email address:

Site hosting

Name of host: o2switch
Company name: o2switch
Server location: France
Head office address: Chem. des Pardiaux, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Tel: 04 44 44 60 40


The information provided on this website is for information purposes only. The publisher or owner of the site cannot be held liable for it. Information may be changed or updated without notice.

Intellectual property

The entire Site is protected by French and International legislation relating to intellectual property.
All reproduction and representation rights are reserved.
All reproductions and representations are subject to the express prior agreement of the owner.
Failure to comply with this obligation constitutes an infringement involving the civil and criminal liability of its author.
Likewise, it is strictly prohibited to use or reproduce the name of Tracey Betts-Allen and its logo, in any capacity whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Mme. Tracey Betts-Allen.

Collection and processing of personal data

As this is a freely accessible showcase site, no user account or personal data is required to use it.

In the event that the site collects user data by any means whatsoever, we will only use it to improve the services offered, in order to optimise the user experience. It will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances.

The site owner is concerned about the protection of its users’ personal data and is committed to ensuring the highest level of protection of your personal data, in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) .

Applicable rights

These legal notices are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to the use of the site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.